Knowing what your options are important to you, especially when it comes to your TMJ disorder (TMD). Today we are going to give you four common treatment options for TMD to help in your decision.
1. Taking over-the-counter medications can help relieve any muscle pain or swelling you are experiencing. Consider applying an ice pack to the side of your face for 10 minutes, stretching your jaw and following with a warm towel for about 5 minutes.
2. Eating softer foods like mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, soup, fish or beans can reduced the amount of chewing you do. Avoid large, crunchy, hard or chewy foods that require you to chew longer or open your mouth wider.
3. A splint or night guard can also be another effective way in treating TMD. Both of these treatments are mouthpieces made from plastic by your dentist that fit over your top and bottom teeth, ensuring they are separated. The mouthpieces help lessen clenching or grinding and can be a great way of putting your teeth in a more correct position.
4. Avoid extreme jaw movements like yelling, singing or yawning. Keep your teeth slightly apart as often as you can. This can relieve pressure on the jaw. Learning relaxation techniques may also beneficial as a treatment option.
Don’t let your TMJ disorder run your life. Consider your treatment options and give our office a call today at 717-755-2817!