At Heritage Dental, Dr. Anonye and our team provide professional teeth cleanings and exams in York, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas to help you have a healthy, brighter smile. As a general rule, we advise our patients to come in for teeth cleanings and exams every six months, unless you are at higher risk, such as those with periodontal disease.
During your teeth cleaning appointment, we will perform a professional cleaning, an oral exam, and possibly X-rays. We may review your health history, past dental problems, allergies you may have, what medications you are currently using, drug reactions you may have had, recent illnesses, and any chronic disease you may have. We will remove tartar above and below the gum line, as well as polish your teeth and floss them. In addition, we will check for the following:
— Signs of tooth decay
— Your gum health
— Your bite
— Signs of tooth grinding or TMJ
— Infection or oral cancer
Dr. Anonye and our team in York, Pennsylvania, consider our professional teeth cleanings an essential foundation to good oral health. Our goal is to complement your daily, at-home oral care to keep you smiling confidently. If you are ready to schedule an appointment for a brighter smile this summer, please give our Heritage Dental team a call at 717-755-2817 today!