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There are many reasons to visit your local dentist twice a year. With the holidays approaching, it’s easy to postpone dental cleaning visits because of your busy schedule. However, it’s important to remember your oral health care needs. Here are some reasons why you should visit your dentist while on the brink of the candy-filled holiday season:

•Your dentist checks for gum disease: Checking for gum disease is an important part of your dental checkups. Your dentist will check for any signs of the disease and will provide any necessary treatment to keep your smile healthy.

•The cleaning will prevent cavities: Preventing cavities is especially important during the upcoming holiday season. With all of the sugar and food available, it’s more important than ever to protect your teeth.

•Your dentist will deeply clean your smile: With the deeper cleaning treatment a dentist can give, your teeth will be cleaner and brighter for the holiday season. The dental cleaning and checkup will provide a deeper cleaning that will last until your next six month check up.

Attending your dental checkups will help you maintain a strong oral health. Don’t let your appointments slide because of a busy schedule. Call us today at 717-755-2817 so we can give you a clean and fresh smile as you greet your family and friends this season.